wellmune table

 Focus Study Population Outcome Results Published
Texas Marathon II Serverity of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms and duration of symptoms during marathon training and post-marathon participation Those taking Wellmune has 19% reduction in the severity of URTI symptoms ad a 10% decrease in total symptomatic days Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2018(1)
Exercise Stress Immune cell biomakers Wellmune prevented the exercise-induced decline (below starting levels) of cytokinesin people of average fitness levels Frontiers in Physiology2
Older Adults
Number of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) Those taking Wellmune in total URTI symptom days Nutrition, 2017(3)
Children Episodes of common childhood illness and symptoms of illness such as upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) Those taking Wellmune had a 2/3 fewer URTIs, 6 fewer sich days in 12 weeks and were significantly healthier Journal Nutrition and Food Science 2016(4)
Texas Marathon Incidence of upper respiratory tract infections post marathon Those taking Wellmune had 40% reduction in URTI symptoms Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2013(5)
Exercise stress Immune biomarkers after high intensity exercise Wellmune prevented alterations in monocytes and key cytokines following high-intensity exercise Food Science & Nutrition(6)
Allergy Severity allergy symptoms

Those taking Wellmune had a 57% reduction in nasal symptoms, 25% reduction in eye symptoms, 28% reduction in average number of allergy symptoms and a 52% reduction of allergy symptoms

Food Science & Nutrition(7)
Medical Students Duration of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms Those taking Wellmune had a 18% reduction in the total days with URTI symptoms Nutrition, 2012(8)
Lifestyle Stress 12 Weeks Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections during periods of physical and psychological stress Those taking Wellmune had a 62% reduction in URTI symptoms Journal American College of Nutrition 2012(9)
Lifestyle Stress 4 Weeks Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections and general wellbeing

Those taking Wellmune had a 71% reduction in number of individuals reporting URTI symptoms and a decrease in fatigue, confusion and stress and an increase in vigor


Agro FOOD industry Hi-Tech, 2010(10)
California Marathon Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections and general wellbeing in marathon runners Those taking Wellmune had a 53% reduction in number of URTI symptoms after 2 weeks and a 67% reduction in URTI symptoms after 4 weeks Journal of Sports Science & Medicine 2019 (11)
Cold/Flu Cold/flu symptoms and general wellbeing Those taking Wellmune had no missed work or school days due to colds and in increase in quality of life Journal of Applied Research 2019(12)
Firefighters Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections in firefighters Those taking Wellmune had a 23% reduction in URTI symptoms Presented at American Society of Sports Medicine 2008(13)



General Older adults Athletes Stress Children

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